About Me

Hello, I'm

Mahmudur Rahman Director

Jjj Enterprise

I think of my little life as divided into three parts, which are largely fortnightly with the three states of water.In family life, I am the husband of a loving woman and a devoted father of two daughters.  A small lighthouse with parents and family.

“Life is too short, so lead it in simple way”

I am an electrical engineer by education and career.  Currently (29/7/2023) I am working in Saudi Arabia’s reputed Multi National Company “Abdul Rahman Al Otaishan & Sons Group Co.LLC” as an Operation Manager in Jizan Branch under LFC with Saudi Aramco.

“If you want to change the behavior of others, first you have to know how to change your own”

I am going to start a small company named “Jjj Enterprise” in business life, which will be the last raft for the common people in the current reality.

“Let Trust Be Built On The Foundation Of Honesty”

Wishing everyone’s sincere cooperation to reach the goal.

Thank you.

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